Sunday, September 30, 2007


It seems that once again I'm not gonna make it to church. Of course I feel bad knowing my flesh is controlling the senses and my body keeping me out of the overflow of the Holy Spirit. Although in the over all plan for my life I know God wants what is best for me, not going to church is not good for the soul let alone my spirit man. I may just say no to the flesh and go.
I finally found a picture of my new ride, which not having bought a car in 20 yrs; was hoodwinked into getting it, the wearing down - keeping me hostage at the dealership - until finally I relented and signed the papers. Which was $5k over what I wanted, and now locked for 5yrs @ $300 a month. I pray someone steals my car or something falls from the sky - of course not while I'm in it to destroy it and get me out of this car.
Cars I would consider: Ford 150, Chevy Silverado, KIA Sedona or the cross over.
Alas, here is a picture of the "car".

ps:once I figure out how to get just this picture out to this site

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