Friday, August 5, 2011


Here's the update after returning to work part-time for 5 hrs a day, I spoke to Johnnie Jackson who informed me that there's to be a meeting between my union rep, ADA rep, and Verizon attendance group and the manager of the office of Tech Support for Verizon FIOS.
Being on a Phase 3 (365 days with no abscences) I had a meeting on Thursday 8/4/11 with Alex Palmer (my union rep), my supervisor David Lay and Johnnie Jackson admin. To bring Mr.Lay up to date on the pending meeting and express my opinion of Phase. where as in 2007 I was out of work with a pinched nerve in my neck due to posture for about 70 days and when returning in 08 recieved a Phase 1 (90 days). Mr.Lay intervened for me to get 4hrs of PHO and 1hr off today to see my orthopedic surgeon to discuss going forward with arthritic lumbar and sciactic pain, at which this time I'm using a 700mg Licocane patch on my back for both. Later at 5:30pm to see my GP to get a script for a new chair. Going forward believing I will retain my job.

"Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God." Philippians 4:6

With this and the belief that while on the potter's wheel my God 'will supply all my needs according to His riches in glory. I will attend my job 08/08/11 for 5 hrs while on restriction of work and see my liver doctor that day.

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