Sunday, May 25, 2008

Memorial Day

I haven't been for some time, I got lost in my windows xp machine. Working in Bryce6, Vue6, Poser 7, Carrara and Hexagon2. All was going great until my power supply unit went out. Of course I didn't want to mess with it, so I took it to Best Buy - what a mistake. After they installed the unit and powered up the unit "can't book from disk". What? they had no idea and rather than spend more $$, I came home with the unit. Hopefully someone at work (Verizon Southwest) can help me out.
Thank goodness I had another pc which is running the Ubuntu 8, which I have downloaded Poser 7 and also Blender.
Here I will be working trying to get the above programs into Ubuntu.
Also hopefully displaying some works I have had in mind for sometime, now to learn Blender - again!.

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