Thursday, May 12, 2011

I called again this morning about 3:30am to inform Verizon I was sick. My concerns is for the spinal stinosis (sciatic pain) in lower left back area. I did get a call from a union rep wondering if I was calling in about fmla / I informed him I'd been told to call in sick, since I had no fmla available. I'm still trying to contact Jennifer Blackwood - scheduling coordinator, but keep getting voice mail. If I can't contact her I'll stop by after or before going to Dr.Liu.
Calling Brain and Spine again and got voice mail again, now I'm calling Tarrant Neurology Consultants. If not successful will call Dennis Bradley's neurologist.
Metlife still shows my short term disability:

Status: CLOSED – 01/27/2011
Explanation: Physician/Medical information was not received.

Seems Brain and Spine are to make the appointment with the neurology group. So I reckon I'll be stopping by 5/13/11.
Went thru the online form to again update the information about my primary physician, and will hope for the best, get some money. We shall see.

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