Friday, December 28, 2007

Doctors, fmla and art

I am still waiting for the response from FMLA whether they are approving or denying. If denying I will be returning to work to further irritate my neck issue. I now have a doctor's appointment for 01/15/08. To check on the soft tissue damage. We shall see.
Well I have tried many times to upload images into Renderosity's site but failed to do so either with .jpg, .bmp, .tif; but hopefully will be able to here.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Health and Wholeness

While checking on the google groups about linking, this inspired me to check on my issue which I am having with a pinched nerve in my neck. The best site I found is Check out this site for any problems you may be having with nerve issues, they have some great videos. These are a couple which impressed me.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Links to More Than A Kazillion Sites

Trying to learn about all the sites which enable users like me who are wanting excellent content has lead me to Technorati Profile that I can further my education about blogging and how to create art inspired by the creator. To see what others and it amazes me how talented people are in their postings and displaying of art work. I normally us Renderosity forums to find out tips & tricks. Also by Google which has everthing I need either for work or fun. While trying to learn html, I find I'd rather just go to free websites for scipts.
Having to pay for items like Photoshop CS3, which is like a $1200 or more is too much for me and others who have produced alternatives like Gimp and Blender. Which for me is great so that I can create art and post scripts in order to hopefully share my thoughts , and life's issues I go through daily.

early mornings

Having to awake at 4:00am to call in to ensure a no call no show issue with the job is not so bad, but when I got a call for schedule change. It made me think - what's going on over there. Now no weekends are available, are there so many calls coming in on the weekends that they need people. How about the new class, shouldn't they be the support?
So no longer is the week end available I now will be getting Thursday and Friday off, no Saturday or Sunday combinations.
So while I await the outcome of FMLA, and the pain in my neck. I am seeking to get a scan or MRI from the doctor. Something has to done, either an operation or some more intense therapy.
I did get a phone set up for my dad while he is in a assisted living facility. ATT wants $230 + cost of a wall jack. Where as Charter, my Internet provider is doing the installation free with 3 months at $29. Now just to get him a phone to use.
They ice storm in the mid-west is really bad and being with out power for weeks can be trouble for all these people. Texas has this kind of weather and you wonder why people can't under stand the danger, but yet they still drive fast and tailgate and it makes you wonder what people are thinking.
Some of things I keep doing to keep from going bonkers while going thru this time of waiting is working Photoshop, which I am wanting to know more about. In order to use it with Bryce, Vue, Blender and other 3d programs which I am working on. Although I am still in the beginning. I sometimes want to short cut the immense bulk of information on how tos, but am finding that this maybe the best way since I do want to produce quality listings here and on other blogs I am using.
The Blogger sites are more prolific than ever, but that is good and hopefully as I progress I too will get more people to my site. Now just read the book on how to.
So while reading more about the blogging life, I am now trying Technorati, that I may learn even more about blogs and postings. Here is a link to Technorati under the links list.

Saturday, December 8, 2007


Still feeling the effects of what's going on in my neck but not to the extent it was about 2 weeks ago. Either or the combination of both using meds and stimulation seems to be working. I think the medications are the big part. This coming week I will push for an exam, either cat scan or mri. I wonder what they the doctors are charging the insurance company for the 15 minuets of treatment?

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

here's another

alpha omega

This is one part of a scene I am attempting -