Monday, May 23, 2011

EMG results

Saw the doctor today for the results of the emg, dr. suggested an operation to fix the left arm's nerve. Said I'd be out for about 10 days, now I need to call back and say when. I'm thinking I'd like to get it done now while I still have insurance.
I did call work and found out or surmised I still have a job although I am not available for FMLA. Now to decide which day. I am still hoping for a check now that Metlife approved my claim for short term disability.

Friday, May 20, 2011


Went to the doctor for an EMG on my lower back and left arm. No pinched nerves in the right side, but in the left arm at the elbow the doctor suggested possible surgery to move the nerve so that in the future I don't end up with 'claw hand'. I'm to see the doctor for my back to discuss the future and possible operation, also to check on sciatic pain.
Receive call from Metlife that my claim is approved from 4/5 - 6/6. Now to see if Verizon will pay!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

I called again this morning about 3:30am to inform Verizon I was sick. My concerns is for the spinal stinosis (sciatic pain) in lower left back area. I did get a call from a union rep wondering if I was calling in about fmla / I informed him I'd been told to call in sick, since I had no fmla available. I'm still trying to contact Jennifer Blackwood - scheduling coordinator, but keep getting voice mail. If I can't contact her I'll stop by after or before going to Dr.Liu.
Calling Brain and Spine again and got voice mail again, now I'm calling Tarrant Neurology Consultants. If not successful will call Dennis Bradley's neurologist.
Metlife still shows my short term disability:

Status: CLOSED – 01/27/2011
Explanation: Physician/Medical information was not received.

Seems Brain and Spine are to make the appointment with the neurology group. So I reckon I'll be stopping by 5/13/11.
Went thru the online form to again update the information about my primary physician, and will hope for the best, get some money. We shall see.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Calling reports

Called to report to Health Care Recoveries to verify I have spinal stinosis. Also to check out Texas Health Care Billing, if I'm paying co-pay of $25 then what is the issue, we'll see. Checking with for update information; paid $35 towards bill. Waiting on call backs from Dr.Namburu (G.I.) and back for follow up, also Dr.Liu for brain MRI and tests.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Back issues continue

I have been having for sometime dating back to 11/10/00 back pain in the lower lumbar area. I did see a doctor who looked at the MRI and informed me the nerves didn't seem to be restricted. Another issue is that I need to check with them again to find out about another doctor to check out legs and the nerves in them. I'll be calling them today.
The other item concerning me is not working and bills coming in, although I do have a rainy day fund I need to figure out my level which to work with. Any medicines I take only make me sleepy and may impact work. I did go to the neurologists to check out my brain functionality, of which the issues at work which David Lay my supervisor initiated for the doctor for Verizon needed to check out my medical records to verify if I am fit for work. I am off to another Catscan or MRI for who I'm not sure. But one thing remains I need to get to a place of knowing what capabilities I have dealing with my back situation.
As my own statement "You are the potter, I am the clay" if I am to deal with this-fine then I'll deal with it and trust that God's grace is sufficent.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Physical update

I have been dealing with physical issues for sometime now, after David Lay initiated a medical review for me. I have been to the neurologist, back doctor for sciatica and also a liver Dr who had me do blood work. This I did last week and am awaiting a call back on this.
It seems I have been out of work since about April 5th, also I have put in for short term disability and haven't checked but will soon. I was supposed to have a test for brain function today but called in to reschedule for 5/5. Also on this date I'll be going to Health First Diagnostic for either an MRI or Cat scan.
I will try and keep up with this so as to document what's going on also I'm not sure when I will be returning to work, but my main concern is getting my back and liver taken care of.